Online Videos New Location
The online videos have moved and your access code instructions may be out of date. If you tried redeeming an access code at and it did not work, try redeeming it on Casebook Connect instead.
Request Access
Need to request access? Submit a Request and provide the following information:
- Your name, school, and email
- The name of the product you are trying to access
- Specify that you are a professor (please note that we will verify your professor status before providing access)
How to Redeem Access Codes
If you have not yet registered on Casebook Connect:
- Go to
- Enter your access code in the field provided.
- Click Register
- Follow the steps to complete your registration and verify your email address
Once you have registered on Casebook Connect, to redeem additional access codes:
- Log into
- Click the "+" icon on your bookshelf
- Enter your access code and click “Redeem”
Tip: Bookmark to go directly to your videos in the future.
Troubleshooting Tips:
If you get an error while redeeming your code, try these tips:
- On some printed codes, the number 0 looks like the letter O. Try replacing the number with the letter or vice versa. The same applies to the number 1, uppercase letter I, or lowercase letter l.
- Still having trouble? Submit a request and please provide the following:
- As much of your access code as you can read
- The name of the product you purchased or are trying to redeem