Offline access for Connected eBooks works by storing the eBook content in your browser cache. Through this approach, access to the browser application is required to use the eBook offline, but an internet connection is not required.
For more information on how to create an offline link, please view our Help Center instructions.
Please note, the information below includes suggestions for open-book exams, in which students are allowed to access their eBook content. Individual institutions and professors may require different settings for their exams.
Information for institutions using ExamSoft Examplify
For open-book exams, please set the exam settings to "block internet" and "open hard drive."
Important Notes for Students:
- With an internet connection, save your Connected eBook for offline use on the browser and device on which you'll take your exam.
- Be sure you have an active login session on the browser and device on which you'll take your exam. With an internet connection, log in to your Casebook Connect account within four hours of taking your exam.
- Between that time, do not logout or login to Casebook Connect on any other devices.
- During the exam, you will be able to open your browser application on your hard drive and access your saved eBook content offline.
Information for institutions using Exam4
For open-book exams, please ensure your exam is setup as an "open exam without internet access."
Important Notes for Students:
- With an internet connection, save your Connected eBook for offline use on the browser and device on which you'll take your exam.
- Be sure you have an active login session on the browser and device on which you'll take your exam. With an internet connection, log in to your Casebook Connect account within four hours of taking your exam.
- Between that time, do not logout or login to Casebook Connect on any other devices.
- During the exam, you will be able to open your browser application on your hard drive and access your saved eBook content offline.
Information for institutions using DigiExam
The best option is to use DigiExam's built-in whitelisting feature. Ensure that the domain "" is accessible during an open-book exam.
Important Notes for Students:
- You will be able to navigate to your Connected eBook through the DigiExam interface during an open-book exam.
If your exam software is not listed here, please ask your institution's exam administrators or IT team to reach out to us. We are happy to assist in finding the exam software settings that work for you and students.