Offline access is available with every Connected eBook. This feature enables you to access your eBook content, highlights, and annotations without an internet connection or when no internet is available.
To setup offline access for your Connected eBook, please follow the steps below, or watch the Offline Access tutorial video.
- With an internet connection, log in to your account on Casebook Connect and open your Connected eBook.
- In the blue toolbar, click on the "Offline" menu, then "Save for Offline Use."
- Note: You can also view any offline links you've already created by clicking on "View All Offline Links."
- Note: You can also view any offline links you've already created by clicking on "View All Offline Links."
- Select your desired chapters and book sections to be available offline, then click the button to "Generate Offline Link."
- After your link is generated, open it by clicking on the link or by clicking the "Copy" button and pasting it in a new tab of the browser.
- Save the link as a favorite or bookmark in your browser.
- Note: A Connected eBook can only be accessed offline in the browser and device where the offline link was generated.
- Without an internet connection, open the browser where your offline link was generated and is favorited or bookmarked, then click on the offline link. Your eBook content, highlights, and annotations will be available offline.
- Note: You must have an active login session at the time of using your offline link. The best way to ensure this is to login to your Casebook Connect account before going offline on the device where you want to use offline access.
If you are having trouble accessing your offline link, please try these troubleshooting steps, or contact Customer Support.