If you have a digital-only Connected eBook title, you can purchase a loose-leaf print copy. Prices vary by product:
- $59 for law school textbooks (or $49 if your school is part of the Digital Bookshelf program)
- $20 for case and statutory supplements
- $49 for undergraduate textbooks
Here’s how to order your loose-leaf copy:
- Start your loose-leaf order by filling out this form.
Our team will verify your eligibility for the loose-leaf copies you requested.
Once your eligibility is confirmed (1-2 business days), we will create an order cart for you at aspenpublishing.com and notify you the cart is ready. You will then be able to login and complete your purchase. Applicable sales tax and any additional discounts for which you are eligible will be assessed when the order is processed.
Once your payment is processed, we will ship your loose-leaf copies to you. You can expect to receive your loose-leaf copies in 10-14 days after payment is received.
Please note that loose-leaf copies are not returnable.
This offer is only available for Connected eBook titles registered to you in your Casebook Connect account for the current academic year.
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